26 January 2011


Greetings citizen! I hope everyone had a good and safe New Years!

I did. I managed to swing a trip out of town to visit T-Rob in Oklahoma -- and just in time too. The day I arrived in Tulsa it was almost 70 degrees while that morning in Albuquerque it was 28 -- YUCK!

I was in town to visit T-Rob and to see what has become an annual New Years Eve event in Oklahoma City: The Flaming Lips New Years Eve FREAKOUT concert.

The who, you ask? Flaming Lips are local Okies done good. They scored a big hit a few years back with their release PINK ROBOTS [YOSHIMI BATTLES THE GIANT ROBOTS] a sci-fi, Pink Floyd-ish album.

Lead singer Wayne Coyne is Grand Marshal of the annual March of 1000 Flaming Skeletons Halloween parade in Oklahoma City every year which I have covered in this blog.

I always enjoy visiting Tulsa and OKC. They are big metropolitan areas and so green thanks to the rivers and lakes near both cities. Lush is not something we see much of in Albuquerque even with the Rio Grande River running through the core of town.

I ate well while in town, from Cattleman's Steakhouse in OKC to The Hideawy in Tulsa. From POPS in Arcadia to Coney Isand hot dogs in Jenks, OK

I'm STILL stuffed.

Ah, but the main reason for visiting was the New Years Eve concert in OKC:

OKC and Tulsa are great towns to visit if you ever get the chance!

Well, I'm glad to say I know winter is on the way out -- I heard the ice cream man driving down the street this week and he was open for business.

I'm in the process of planning several exciting adventures for the year, in fact one is happening this weekend, so stay tuned!

I'm out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time.