Wow... five years! Who knew?
I think back to the humble beginnings of this blog - as a way to keep in touch with friends - and it is interesting to see how it has grown into a travel and discovery blog about the great state of New Mexico and the southwest.
I have to wonder though...what if I visit friends in Rochester, NY, or Maine or Louisiana?? I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Until then, join me for season five of Land of the Zia!!
Come on in, feel free to look around , check out the new look.
With spring definitely trying to muscle in on winter, I thought I would take a journey down to southern New Mexico where the day temps are already closing in on 60!
My first destination would be Alamogordo, NM about four hours south of Albuquerque and home to the New Mexico Museum of Space History.
The museum was offered a chance to purchase one of the space shuttles that are to be retired at the end of this year for a cool $41 million plus transportation costs to New Mexico. They declined.
Too bad, although the museum building is strikingly beautiful in the foothills of the mountains surrounding Alamogordo, the museum inside is rather dated. The shuttle would have been a major draw.
I had always wanted to visit the museum since I was a young man and I'm glad I did. I would definitely combine it; however, with a visit to White Sands National Monument, the largest gypsum sand dunes in the world, just 18 minutes away.

White Sands is an amazing place. We picked the right weekend to go. It was Super Bowl Sunday so the crowds were minimal. The temperature was about 58 degrees, magnificent!

The sand....err gypsum felt like wet beach sand. It must have just snowed or rained as the gypsum could be picked up in clumps.
I would not want to be there in the summer, I hear it can be rather unbearable.

As far as the eye can see..... such beauty.

Although we did not partake in the activity, you can rent round, con-caved sleds for $7, of which $2 is refunded when the sled is returned.

White Sands National Monument is a must if you find yourself in southern New Mexico.
5 years! Congrats—I've had a hard time keeping mine going for 5 months—I need a more interesting life to write about.
Really nice photos—I haven't been to White Sands in a long time—it really does have an amazing stark beauty.
Did you see any Oryx?
Nice pics you have going again here; you have to admit the $41 Million NASA wants for the retired space craft is a bit steep.
White Sands a is a real beauty, they seem as if they're never going to end. Never been there but can only imagine. Congratulations on the 5 year mark, LA misses you buddy. -Mike
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