After departing Monument Valley, Journey Gnome leads us further into the desert. We are headed east into Colorado but first had to make one unique stop.
If you plan on taking the Grand Circle tour of the southwest then one stop is a must: Four Corners.
It is the only place in the USA four states meet at one point. There is no town, it's just a point, a slab marker with a trading post.
But it is kind of cool.
Technically I guess I only stood in three states. My bad.
Of course we HAD to try the Native American fry bread. Tastes great with honey...mmm and it was fresh!!

Many tourists have driven off the beaten path to have their picture taken in four states at one time ....or did they.
According to news reports this month, measurements used at the time the boundaries of the four states were established are incorrect -- by 2.5 miles!!
Current technology has caught up with history; however, there is no move to correct it. All four states have agreed on the boundaries.
I wonder if I can get a refund on the souvenir t-shirt I purchased or is it a collectors item.
I'm out.
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