31 May 2008
30 May 2008

[my sister Dolores and I at Slide Rock]
I'm back from Arizona and as soon as I can will post some pics.
Should you ever get the opportunity to explore northern Arizona; ie: Flagstaff, Oak Creek Canyon or Sedona I highly recommend it. Lots of hiking, backpacking, picknicking etc. The weather was AWESOME! ...more later.
I'm out.
23 May 2008

Sure makes for some beautiful sunrises too.

Well folks I'm off to Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona Arizona so I hope to have some pics for ya when I get back from my Memorial Break. Who knows, maybe I will run into John McCain as he is supposed to be at his ranch in Sedona this weekend too [and then back to Albuquerque for Memorial Day services].
Ya'll have a safe one and see ya on the backside.
I'm out.
21 May 2008
Big story on the news last night was this UFO sighting over Albuquerque. You be the judge.
I lived near LAX in west Los Angeles for almost 20 years and I live by the Albuquerque Sunport now. It is a plane, I've seen this image many many many times. Next:
I had wanted to take a hike in the Sandia Moutains...but after reading this...I might sit that one out:
A 5-year-old boy hiking with his family near Sandia Peak, New Mexico, has survived an attack from an unidentified species of large animal, a spokesman for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish said Sunday, May 18, 2008.
Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White said the family was hiking near the popular Balsam Glade area on the Sandia Mountains, when the boy ran ahead of his parents. It happened on the east side of the Sandia Mountains around 7 p.m. Saturday.
A sheriff’s department report identified the boy as Jose Salazar Jr. of Albuqureque, New Mexico.
The boy’s parents saw the animal emerge from the brush and start dragging away their child, White said. The father then chased the animal, which let go of his son.
White said the animal was a mountain lion, but Ross Morgan, a spokesman for Game and Fish, said dogs trained to track mountain lions picked up no scent in the area Saturday night or Sunday.
Officials said they don’t know what kind of animal attacked the boy. They’re looking at the tracks in the area to find out if it was a cougar, mountain lion, or bear.
“The animal had the kid and was dragging him down the side of the hill. When the father jumped over there, the animal ran off,” said Ross Morgan, who works for the Department of Game and Fish.
“The dad described it as a short, stocky, dark brown animal,” Morgan said.
Morgan said hikers in the area Sunday were told about the attack, but the news did not deter them from hiking.
The Department of Game and Fish is warning people to be careful if they’re in the mountains.
Some people visiting the mountains on Sunday said they are aware of the dangers and are prepared for what could come their way.
“We have to expect that we’re going to come across animals,” visitor Rich Weiner said. “We’re in their habitat.”
But others who spend time in the Sandia Mountains, like David Czaplewski, said news of the attack has them shaken up.
“It’s shocking and kind of scary,” Czaplewski said. “We’re making sure we’re keeping track of where everyone is and looking around.”
Officials said everyone who is visiting the mountains should be extra careful, so they don’t become the next victim.
The boy suffered puncture wounds (bite marks) to his head, neck and back. He was in serious condition at University of New Mexico Hospital on Saturday, White said.
A hospital spokeswoman said Sunday the family declined to make the boy’s condition public.
He’s currently in the Intensive Care Unit at University of New Mexico Hospital.
Oh...and Bigfoot is apparently touring the Four Corners region of New Mexico.
Beam me up, Scotty. I'm out.
16 May 2008
What Gas Crisis!!??

Took my dads car out today to get it washed and detailed [the good son, what can I say] and I noticed that the high gas prices [$3.46 here] were NOT necessarily a deterrent to people being on the road.
There are still plenty of Hummers and big SUVs on the road.
Traffic is still as congested as it was when I moved here
There is no shortage of cars in line at the car wash.
The detailing station was busy.
The banana spli....oops...how'd that get in here.
...don't judge.
What I'm trying to say is that folks around here might be complaining about the high price of gas but they don't seem to be showing it. Restaraunts are busy [I take my pop to IHOP about once a week and its always busy]. Traffic jams are still a part of life.
The cool thing is that bus ridership has been going up every month for over a year. I can't wait for the commuter train to Santa Fe to open which should happen this fall.
Today was Ride Your Bike To Work Day in Albuquerque. There were plenty of bikes out but it ticks me off that too many of these people DO NOT observe basic traffic rules!!
Three times today I had bike riders cross in front of me in the middle of the street!!
I drive a four cylinder pick up so I can't say I've really felt the pinch. I don't drive a whole lot as it is and I don't jump in the truck to go to the Circle K two blocks away...I walk.
I don't know what price would make me seriously consider cutting back on my driving.
Besides... I have to have a banana split once in awhile.
I'm out.