Today was one of those mello hazy kinda days, in part because I'm working the graveyard shift and time gets kinda fuzzy.I stopped by the VA to visit my dad who has been in hospital for about two weeks now. He's doing ok, just some heart issues.Afterwards I thought I would swing by the New Mexico Veteran's Memorial. It's large and spacious with great views but in some ways it seemed to be missing something. It's not even a year old yet so that could be part of it. Construction crews are still on the grounds.There are no big statues, a few plaques, an amphitheatre and large field for presentations, but all in all it was just a big park. Still there are reminders all around of the price many have paid for our right to whine about the price of gas, eat junk food, watch junk tv, complain about our politicians, speak our minds and live the way we want to live. My dad knows this first hand as a veteran of three wars [WW2, Korea and two tours of 'nam]. The price he paid was being exposed to Agent Orange and having it destroy his kidneys. I celebrate Veteran's Day everyday for him and my newphew and cousin who are serving in the Navy and my friend Rudy in the Air Force and every other person that served to protect our country. THANK YOU TROOPS!