Why would you call yourself 'Boston Market' and not offer lobster tail, crab legs, crab cakes let alone clam chowda?!?!?
I'm just askin'.
Also, this...
Last October I found myself at the Houston airport, and a bit hungry.
I perused the food court area and came across a barbeque eatery and thought I would partake in some brisket. Mmmm....brisket -- and Texas brisket at that! Can't go too wrong.
There was this, uhm, rather 'portly' Texan in front of me and he too had a hunkerin' for some brisket. As the young gal behind the counter was carving out his side-o-beef, he tells her, 'Don't forget the fat now.'
She then shaves off some thick slices-o-fat.
I was speechless.
That was gross.
Don't get me wrong, I know very well that 'fat' is where the 'flava' is at. But to just 'eat' it???? What???!!!
Now it's my turn. I order the brisket. Young gal says, 'How much fat ya want, hon."
"Uh... none."
"Just the brisket, thanks."
She gives me the 'You must be Obama Bin Laden' look.
"That's where all the flava is at, hon."
"I'll be ok, thanks."
I'm positive she pushed some button alerting the Texas Rangers that I had turned down 'fat' and probably ate green vegetables on a regular basis.
I could swear the eyes of everyone in the airport followed me to my table.
In all fairness... we here in New Mexico have our share of unusual delicacies too.
Like 'chicharone' burritos and 'menudo'.
Chicharones [chi-cha-rone] are basically bits of pork [usually] attached to 'fat', fried, salted and put in a tortilla....especially good with a dab of green chili...mmmm.
Menudo is a spicy soup made with lime, chopped onions, cilantro, oregano, crushed chili peppers and stomach tripe [yeah...stomach lining, generally from a cow].
Tripe reminds me of calamari but MORE GROSS!!!
I could NEVER eat this stuff. My dad and grandmother LOVED it.
It STINKS when it's cooked [it can contain some of the stomachs last content!!!!] and is considered by some to be a great 'hangover' food since the spicier it is the more you 'sweat out the toxins'.
I prefer a similar dish called pozole [see previous Christmas post].
I am a basic meat and potato guy; however, I do love Indian food.
I'm sure some of you reading this back east and south have your own unusual dishes....let me know about em.
I'm out.