27 September 2008
25 September 2008

Four days after returning from Denver I was back in the air, this time for my old roommates birthday in Los Angeles. It was a quick trip. Just got together with friends, bite to eat, couple of beers. Although I would have liked to have gone to my favorite place, Old Tony's on the Redondo Pier we ended up at Barney's Beanery on Sunset Blvd one night, always a cool place to eat and then at Bubba Gump's Shrimp the next night, that was very good!!!! Here's some quick pics from the trip.

Here are a couple of stylized pictures I took from the pier.
And so my summer draws to a close. The mornings are getting chilly here. The State Fair has come and gone. Maples leaves out front are falling to the ground, Wal-Mart already has winter jackets out, and last but not least, season two of Land of the Zia is coming to an end.
It's been a rough go of it working 50hrs a week and being my dad's caretaker and I can see dimentia overtaking him. The trips I take are definately well deserved and I look forward to the trips I'll take in season three, WOO-HOOOO!! I hope you will stay with me.
NEXT UP: End of the season re-cap.
I'm out.
24 September 2008

Now come on, you knew dang well eventually I was gonna use that title....ha ha.
Here is some final video footage from The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Notice the dark tornado clouds in the background which at the time we had no idea was a tornado [only to find out that night on the news]!!
And so here I sit on the runway. LIke most vacations it was much too short. The images of the past few days running through my head. On one had I wish it was still Thursday night and I was at the concert at Red Rocks or having lunch at the Happy Hooker in Georgetown. On the other hand it will be good to be back in my own bed.
It's like I went into the looking glass at times. An amazing trip.

Home again, home again jiggity jigg.
I'm out.
...to be continued...
23 September 2008
It's now been a month since my trip to Denver and here I am STILL writing about it.Thanks for staying with me.
After the Manitou Cliff dwellings we headed to Garden of the Gods, also in Colorado Springs and about 10 minutes away from Manitou. This place is awesome.

The skies darkened to one end of the horizon. I mean REALLY darkened. Lightning and thunder dark!!! It didn't seem to phase Travis.
Coming from New Mexico where per capita more people are killed by lightning strikes then anywhere in the US. I was a bit concerned. LOL.
Then it started to rain on and off.
After the Manitou Cliff dwellings we headed to Garden of the Gods, also in Colorado Springs and about 10 minutes away from Manitou. This place is awesome.

The skies darkened to one end of the horizon. I mean REALLY darkened. Lightning and thunder dark!!! It didn't seem to phase Travis.
Coming from New Mexico where per capita more people are killed by lightning strikes then anywhere in the US. I was a bit concerned. LOL.
Then it started to rain on and off.
People still continued to walk around the park though.
Rock climbers still clung to the rock face.
We would find out that night that two tornados had hit the area. They were the first recorded ones in the county. No wonder the skies looked so threatening.
This was our last day in Denver. This was also the best vacation I have ever had. Everyday was filled with new and cool things. Most of all it was great to have a travel partner. I've always said, adventures are best shared. Thanks for coming along for the ride, Travis!! Where to next?????
I'm out.
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